Pharos Quota Printing | Print From Your Own Computer
Use of Scanners
As a courtesy, we request that patrons limit scanning time to 10 minutes on the walk-up Bookeye Scanners if other patrons are waiting to scan. For the flat-bed scanners, we ask that you limit your time on the scanner workstation to 30 minutes.
Although scanning workstations are available for general computing, priority use of them shall be given to those needing to scan materials for academic needs. Those using the workstations for other purposes are asked to yield the computer to those needing to scan. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Walk-up Bookeye Scanners
Fast document scanners are located in the reference areas of the Bartle, Science, and UDC Libraries. Documents can be saved to a USB flash drive in a multiple of formats, including searchable PDF, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, and MP3 audio files or sent to your email account. The scanner is capable of scans up to 17 X 24 inches or as small as a postage stamp. If you need assistance with the Bookeye scanner, please visit the Readers Services desk.
Flat-bed Scanners
The Bartle, Science and UDC Library Information Commons also have letter-legal size scanners for higher-quality document scanning. If you need assistance with the flat-bed scanners, please visit a service desk.