- Academic Honesty
- Academic Year Obligation
The official academic year obligation for 2024-2025 begins on August 19, 2024 and ends close of business May 18, 2025. The fall semester obligation runs from August 19, 2024 to close of business January 2, 2025. The spring semester obligation begins January 3, 2025 and ends close of business May 18, 2025.
During these periods, all members of the faculty are expected to be available for such service as may be dictated by their University obligations, department assignments, or program responsibilities.
The 2024 summer period available for summer teaching, research, and other professional activities will extend from May 13, 2024, through close of business August 16, 2024, for a total of 67 working days.
- Accreditation and Strategic Plan
- Annual Faculty Reports
The annual faculty reporting website (AFR) is available for the reporting period June 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025. The report is due in the Provost's Office by Monday, June 30, 2025.
Per the Faculty-Staff Handbook, each faculty member must file an Annual Faculty Report. Except in the most unusual of circumstances, neither salary adjustments nor leave requests will be countenanced without a complete sequence of Annual Faculty Reports on file in the Provost's Office. Adjuncts are not required to submit faculty reports.
For step-by-step instructions on completing the report, go to Completing Your Faculty Report
Please report any issues to provost@binghamton.edu or Connie Treacy at ctreacy@binghamton.edu.
- Assessment
- Bartle Professorship/Librarianship program
- Distinguished Professorships
Nominations consisting of a letter of nomination and the candidate's curriculum vita are accepted on a continuing basis.
Important Deadlines:
Fall 2024: SUNY Deadline: September 13, 2024 Deadline to president’s office: August 1, 2024 Deadline for completed dossiers to on-campus committee: April 15, 2024 Spring 2025: SUNY Deadline: January 10, 2025 Deadline to president’s office: November 1, 2024 Deadline for completed dossiers to on-campus committee: August 15, 2024 List of Binghamton University's Distinguished Professors
- How to Nominate a Faculty Member
- How to Complete a Distinguished Dossier
- Full Internal Campus Guidelines
- Reference Letter Request Templates
- SUNY Guidelines for Distinguished Professor, Distinguished Librarian, Distinguished Service Professor, and Distinguished Teaching Professor
- Distinguished Professor Faculty: Personnel Action Summary
- Distinguished Service Professor Faculty: Personnel Action Summary
- Distinguished Teaching Professor Faculty: Personnel Action Summary
- Release Form
- Excellence Awards
- Faculty Development
- Faculty Fellowship Buyouts
Practice on Faculty Fellowship Buy-outs
This document is meant to memorialize and make transparent our practice in dealing with faculty who win competitive fellowships designed to buy out time for research.
As part of its commitment to support faculty research, scholarship, and creative activities, the University encourages faculty to apply for competitive external fellowships from organizations including but not limited to the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Endowment for the Arts, the American Council of Learned Societies, and the Guggenheim Foundation.
Typically, these organizations provide a generous stipend that covers a portion of the faculty member’s salary during an approved sabbatical. Our practice, outlined below, is designed to ensure that faculty are able to accept these prestigious awards without penalty during the period of the sabbatical.
Fellowship applications and awards
When applying for a fellowship, the guidelines of the sponsor must be followed, and they differ from sponsor to sponsor. For fellowship programs that require applications be submitted by the institution, rather than an individual, faculty should contact the Sponsored Programs Office for guidance on submission of the application by the Research Foundation for SUNY (RF). If faculty have applied as an individual, they may, upon being notified of an impending award, request the sponsor issue the award to The Research Foundation.
Fellowship award administration
The University will maintain fellowship recipients on full-time status at the University at full pay in consideration of their full-time effort in research. If the award has been made to the RF, the RF in turn, will transfer the funded amount of the fellowship salary reimbursement to the school/college identified IFR, upon approval by the appropriate Dean. The school will receive the full salary amount of the fellowship as overhead will be waived on the amount of the salary reimbursement. Faculty remain in full-time status, continue to receive benefits, and their fellowship year will count toward time-served when considering eligibility for sabbatical.
- Faculty Hiring
- Periodic Review of Academic Units
- National Security Presidential Memorandum-33 (NSPM-33)
Issued on January 14, 2021, the National Security Presidential Memorandum-33 (NSPM-33) required all federal research funding agencies to strengthen and standardize disclosure requirements for federally funded awards including the establishment of research security programs at research institutions receiving federal funds. In January 2022, the National Science and Technology Council issued Guidance for Implementing National Security Presidential Memorandum 33 on National Security Strategy for United States Government-Supported Research and Development to provide clarity on this memorandum. On July 9, 2024, the final Guidelines for Research Security Programs at Covered Institutions was issued by the Office of Science and Technology Policy for implementing the certification requirement imposed by NSPM-33. Binghamton University, as a research institution, must certify to funding agencies that our research security program is in compliance with the requirements set forth. Additional information can be found via the below NSPM-33 link.
- Personnel Cases
- Faculty-Staff Handbook: Faculty Personnel Information
- Faculty bylaws that pertain to personnel policies
- Policies of the Board of Trustees
- All-University Personnel Committee 2024-2025
- Personnel Case Flow Chart
- Procedures for personnel cases
- Timetable for personnel cases 2024-2025
- Timetable for personnel cases 2025-2026
- Personnel Action Summary: Faculty
- Fillable Personnel Action Summary: Faculty
- Personnel Action Summary: Library
- Fillable Personnel Action Summary: Library
- Personnel Action Summary: Clinical
- Fillable Personnel Action Summary: Clinical
- Personnel Procedures FAQ
- Admin/Write Personnel Case Portal Basic Training
- View Only Personnel Case Portal Basic Training
- Personnel Portal How-To Guide
- Formal Review FAQ
- IPC Chair - Key Items to Consider
Personnel Forms
- Sabbatical and Title F Leave Requests
- Provost’s International Internship Support for Undergraduate Students
Faculty members engaging in research outside of the United States can request undergraduate research assistants to accompany them abroad for short- or medium-term projects during the winter session, spring break, or summer. The research activities of the undergraduate research assistant(s) must take place under the direct supervision and mentorship of the faculty member in the international setting. As part of this initiative, faculty must submit a proposal, which will include a budget for the student intern(s) to receive funding, which only supports undergraduate students.
Submit a proposal for the Provost’s International Internship for Undergraduate Students
FAQs: International Internship Support for Undergraduate Students
- Visiting Scholars/Professionals and Volunteers Policy and Request form
Binghamton University strongly encourages an open environment that fosters a free exchange of ideas in academia and beyond; this is a prerequisite for cooperation across disciplines. As a destination for visiting scholars, scientists, engineers, researchers and employees from foreign academic institutions, industry, and governmental bodies, our campus encourages the open
exchange of ideas from people across the globe in our efforts to drive the advancement of human knowledge and understanding. Although we want to foster an environment of academic freedom and free speech, our process of hosting domestic and international visitors must also comply with
existing U.S. federal laws and regulations. To submit a request for a Visiting Scholar, Professional or Volunteer please complete a request form found at my.binghamton.edu under Provost Office E-Forms or click Here.Summary of Visiting Scholars/Professionals and Volunteers Policy
- Fulbright Scholar Awards
Fulbright Scholarships enable faculty to broaden the reach of their international contacts and to develop lasting transnational research and professional partnerships, which in turn result in innovative new publications, collaborative endeavors, and creative work. Scholar Award recipients consistently report an increase in the number of international citations of their work, as well as deepened cross-cultural awareness, which is transformative in the classroom and in how they conceptualize their scholarly pursuits.