Optical / Acoustic Microscopy Suite

The Optical / Acoustic Microscopy Suite contains a scanning acoustic microscope and several light-based microscopes for various forms of sample imaging, as well as user-reservable image processing computers for data analysis.

The suite includes the following instrumentation:

  • Acoustic Microscopy
    Scanning Acoustic Microscope — PVA TePla Evolution II C-SAM
  • Optical Microscopy

    Upright Compound Microscope — Zeiss Axio Imager.M1m

    Inverted Compound Microscope — Zeiss Axiovert 200M

    Stereo Zoom Microscope — Zeiss SteREO Discovery.V12

  • Infrared Microscopy
    Infrared Microscope — Quantum Focus Instruments Infrascope II
  • Image Analysis

    Image Processing Workstation 1

    Image Processing Workstation 2