Dream Big, Make Impact: Become a Harpur Fellow.
Looking for an exciting and meaningful way to spend your summer?
The Harpur Fellows Program provides support up to four recipients to pursue a passionate interest through a self-designed project that serves a community of your choosing. Projects can be independent of your academic program or major. Selected fellows receive up to $4,000 to pursue their project. Harpur Edge staff are available to provide guidance throughout the application process to the conclusion of your project. Past fellows have typically completed their projects during summer breaks, working at their own pace as time allows.
Pursue Your Passion—$4,000 to Bring Your Project to Life!
Click below to read more about past Harpur Fellows and their projects.
- 2017 - 2024 Harpur Fellows
2024 Fellows:
- Harpur Fellow addresses food insecurity in remote Brazilian community
- Serving those who served: Harpur Fellows project aids Suffolk County veterans
2023 Fellows:
- Crash course: Harpur Fellow teaches coding skills in low-income neighborhood
- The right note: Harpur Fellow project brings music lessons to disadvantaged children
2022 Fellows:
- Helping hand: Harpur Fellow brings clean water to a community in the Philippines
- Lights, camera, road trip: Harpur Fellow films cross-country documentary
2021 Fellows:
- Back to class: Harpur Fellows project helps kids transition to in-person learning
- Creating a buzz: Harpur Fellow starts pollinator garden in Binghamton
- Preserving stories: Harpur Fellows project captures oral history of Vietnam vets
- Gardening goodness: Harpur Fellows project addresses food insecurity
- Planting the seeds of hope: Harpur Fellows project aids food pantry
2019 Fellows:
2018 Fellows:
- Junior builds wheelchair-accessible community garden in Binghamton
- Senior helps build libraries in her parents' hometowns in India
- Senior creates 'debate camp' for low-income New York City students
- Senior returns to Nigeria to promote innovation to school children
2017 Fellows:
Harpur Fellows Details:
Benefits of the program: Harpur Fellows gain a wealth of experience and skills to further their professional and personal development. Fellows develop and strengthen leadership and critical thinking skills, sharpen time management and communication skills. Fellows learn to collaborate, listen and consider different perspectives through their work within their chosen communities. Fellows learn to problem solve and develop solutions that can create meaningful change for their chosen community.
Eligibilty: The Harpur Fellows Program is open to all full-time undergraduate students enrolled in Harpur College at Binghamton University who have completed at least one year of college work (32 hours) and has a GPA of 3.2 or higher. Applicants should have at least two semesters remaining following completion of the Harpur Fellows and prior to graduation.
Selection Process: Applications will be evaluated by a selection committee to determine whether they demonstrate that the applicant has the passion, intellectual ability, organizational skills, and experience necessary to complete the project.
In evaluating applications, the committee will consider:
- The clarity, thoughtfulness, and thoroughness of the essay describing the project
- The feasibility of completing the project during the time allotted and with the budget proposed
- Whether the budget is well planned and will enable the applicant to complete the project economically
- How the project will benefit a particular community
- Whether the project will significantly contribute to the applicant's personal and intellectual growth
- After completion of the project, Fellows are expected to present on their project and accomplishments
Note: Students who wish to participate in the Harpur Fellows program and who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that they will be asked about their prior criminal history. This may impede your ability to participate. Students who have concerns about such matters, or are looking for additional information, are advised to contact the dean's office of their intended academic program.
Additional Information: Harpur Fellows projects can be related to a student's major, minor, or career interests, but they don't have to be. The duration of the Fellows is flexible and based on the time needed to complete the project as outlined in the application. While fellows may choose to travel abroad, projects can also be completed locally, nationally, or internationally.
Projects must contribute to a community, whether locally, within the U.S., or abroad. To ensure full focus on their projects, students cannot be enrolled in academic programs or internships during the Fellows. Most fellows complete their projects over summer or winter break, though some may take a semester leave.
Fellows receive up to $4,000 to cover project expenses, and additional funding from personal or external sources can be included in the budget.
The Harpur Fellows program is made possible by the generous support of Harpur College alumni, the Harpur Fellows Program is a unique opportunity for highly motivated undergraduates.
Application Information:
Application Deadline: All application materials must be submitted by March 21, 2025. Please have all of your documents ready to submit before beginning the online application.
How to Apply: The application process is designed to allow students to demonstrate that they have the qualities that will make them a successful fellow. After applying, finalists will be contacted to schedule an interview with the selection committee.
- The FIRST STEP is to develop your community service project idea. Some things to consider are:
- What are your goals and what do you want to accomplish with your project?
- Who you can work with to ensure success? Do you have a professor or advisor who can give you guidance?
- Is there an existing organization or agency you can partner with?
- In what location would your project be done? Do you have a support network available in that location?
- When will you be able to complete your project? Projects typically occur over summer break, but it can be any duration that makes sense for your project
- How much money you will need? Itemize project expenses and factor in cost of supplies, travel expenses, etc.
- If you want help with your ideas, please schedule an appointment with a peer advising associate.
- The SECOND STEP is to complete the Harpur Fellows Application (via Google form).
- The application requires uploading a 1,000-word essay describing the project to be pursued, plan and timeline, Excel spreadsheet containing proposed project budget and resume.
The following materials should be submitted via email to: erin.cody@binghamton.edu OR mailed to: Erin Cody, Harpur Edge, Binghamton University, PO Box 6000 Binghamton, NY 13902-6000.
Must include one letter of recommendation from someone who can assess student's ability to complete the project successfully.
If project will be conducted with the cooperation of, or under the auspices of an organization, group, or individual, the applicant must include a letter of sponsorship from the individual or organization with the application materials.
- All application materials must be submitted by March 21, 2025.
- Click here to view sample Harpur Fellows application material – includes resume, videos, sample budget and more.
From projects close to home and endeavors overseas, Harpur Fellows have made an impact on the entire globe.
It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to share what you are passionate about and to impact lives.
It’s an amazing opportunity and it completely changed my Binghamton experience for the better.
What is really wonderful about this program is that the project ideas can be anything. It doesn’t need to be related to your major, or what you aspire to be. It can be about anything that you are passionate about. You can get really creative and make a difference.
Make a Difference This Summer: Become a Harpur Fellow!
For More Information:
Erin Cody
Director, Harpur Edge
If you want help with your ideas, please schedule an appointment with a peer advising associate.