Student Groups

Interested in getting involved? Join a Watson College student organization to get involved outside of the classroom, make connections with industry and employers, gain additional project experience and more.

Are you looking to request funding for an event or conference? Please complete the Watson College Dean's Office student group funding form.


Alpha Eta Mu Beta (National Biomedical Engineering Honor Society)

Alpha Omega Epsilon (Professional Engineering Sorority)

Alpha Pi Mu (Industrial Engineering Honor Society)

American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

American Society for Quality (ASQ)

Binghamton Tech Collective

Binghamton University Rover Team

Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)


Eta Kappa Nu (National Electrical Engineering Honor Society)

Girls Who Code


Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IISE)

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Mechanical Contractors Association (MCA)

National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)

Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM)

Pi Tau Sigma (National Mechanical Engineering Honor Society)

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)

Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE)

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)

Society of Women Engineers (SWE)


Tau Beta Pi (National Engineering Honor Society)

Theta Tau (Professional Engineering Co-ed Fraternity)

Upsilon Pi Epsilon (Computer Science Honor Society)

Watson Combat Robotics League

Women in Tech


aerobingAll Engineering Disciplines

Faculty Advisor: Timothy J. Singler

CEO & Primary POC: Sean Weber
Chief Scientist: Hannah Brodsky
Chief Engineer: Nathan Teig

AeroBing is a student-run rocket R&D group. It offers hands-on aerospace education as it strives to build and launch a rocket into space. Students build their own rockets, solid-motors and simulations, as well as test the motors locally with the fire department and regularly travel to the Mojave desert in California for rocket launches. 


Alpha Eta Mu Beta


Biomedical Engineering

Faculty Advisor: Tracy Hookway

President: Grace Barbara
Vice President: Vacant
Treasurer: Vacant
Secretary: Serena Patel

National Web Page

Alpha Eta Mu Beta is the national biomedical engineering honor society that recognizes and encourages excellence in the field. Through various professional, social, and community service events, members of Alpha Eta Mu Beta have the opportunity to grow and develop lifelong skills that prepare them for success in their future careers.

Binghamton University's chapter of Alpha Eta Mu Beta is focused on encouraging participation in activities that can help members grow as leaders and as biomedical engineers, fostering supportive relationships between the students and faculty in the department, promoting professional development, and creating a unified Biomedical Engineering Department.

Alpha Omega EpsilonAlpha Omega Epsilon

All Engineering Disciplines

Faculty Advisor: Ahyeon Koh

President: Sarah Horvath
VP of External Affairs: Sophia Dokic
VP of Internal Affairs: Mandy Guo
VP of Standards: Jordan Kochanek
VP of Finance: Emma Dentico
VP of Correspondence: Christina Odendahl
VP of Membership Development: Shreya Shetty
VP of Membership Development: Sonia Rai

Chapter Web Page

National Web Page

Alpha Omega Epsilon is a professional and social sorority comprised of females students and alumnae in the fields of engineering and technical science. We were founded on November 13, 1983 at Marquette University in Wisconsin. Today, Alpha Omega Epsilon continues to grow as an international sorority across the United States and Canada.

The Psi chapter of Alpha Omega Epsilon was founded on March 21, 2009 by 17 members who wanted to unite females of all engineering and technical science curricula. Alpha Omega Epsilon is a recognized member of the Professional Fraternity Council at Binghamton University. Alpha Omega Epsilon is the only professional Sorority here at Binghamton University.

Alpha Pi Mu

Alpha Pi Mu

Systems Science and Industrial Engineering

Faculty Advisor: Sarah Lam

President: Kaitlyn O'Dell
Vice President:  Liam Sweeney
Secretary: Abhishrut Sinha
Treasurer: Molly Doran

National Web Page

Among other activities, the organization serves to confer recognition upon the student of Industrial Engineering who has shown exceptional academic interests and abilities in the field of Industrial Engineering, to encourage participation in those activities which may be beneficial to the profession of Industrial Engineering and to encourage wherever possible any movement which will advance the best interest of Industrial Engineering education.

American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)

asee logoFaculty Advisors: Melissa Simonik and Koenraad Gieskes

President: Ioana (Ellie) Tiu
Vice President: Ethan Schoenblum
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Matthew Toscano
Membership Chair: Vacant
Publicity Chair: Vacant
Events Chair: Vacant

The American Society for Engineering Education is a student-run chapter that strives to increase student interest and knowledge in the realm of academia, encourage underrepresented groups to pursue advanced degrees or academic careers in engineering, promote active participation in scientific research, and provide a welcoming community embracing all engineering and related disciplines.

The purpose of this organization is to encourage engineering undergraduate students to continue their studies on the graduate level. This organization will aid undergraduate and graduate students in preparing for employment in academia by equipping them with an increased pedagogical understanding, and provide a welcoming community across all engineering and related disciplines.

National website:

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)


Mechanical Engineering

Faculty Advisor: Paul Chiarot

President: Ivan Stanwood
Vice President: Leah Nemerovsky
Secretary:Matthew Algenio
Treasurer: Bianca Barabasi
Project Coordinator: Frank Rastelli
Project Coordinator:  William Son
Events Coordinator:  Ray Inoa
Historian: Aiden Rubano
Graduate Mentor:

National Web Page

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) is an international professional society that consists of professional engineers of many disciplines, people interested in the advancement of technology, and students. The ASME offers many services to student members such as:

  • Membership
    • Freshman first-year dues are waived
    • Monthly ASME magazine and newsletter
  • Leadership/Communication Skills
    • Learn necessary skills at seminars and through chapter involvement
  • ASMENET (ASME network): on-line information on scholarships and loans. There are employment possibilities through the resume database and link, and you can look through an online career fair.

Through the BU Chapter, students are given the opportunity to get a first-hand look at today's industrial world. Students visit engineering companies, such as Chrysler, IBM, and Harley Davidson. Other involvement includes Chapter and Regional Competitions at which students from schools throughout Region 3 come together for a weekend to put their skills to the test in a friendly atmosphere. The ASME holds several on-campus activities including fund-raisers, social events (faculty-student mixer, holiday parties) and general meetings.

The Binghamton ASME section has a membership of about 70 students, undergraduate and graduate. All engineering disciplines are welcome to join; ASME is not limited to only mechanical engineers. Come on down and see what we can offer you!

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

ACM Logo

Computer Science

Faculty Advisor: Patrick Madden

President: Nicholas Said
Vice President:  Vincent Lee
Secretary: Jack Hannagan
Treasurer:  Johnny Lu
Social Media Manager: Emma Topolovec
Senior Advisor: Vacant
Webmaster: Jason Chan

Chapter Page

The Association for Computing Machinery is an international organization consisting of computer science professionals, educators, and students that works toward the advancement of the computing sciences. We are currently in the planning stages of establishing an official chapter of the ACM in Watson College as part of the High Tech Society. In addition to receiving several technical publications, members of the ACM have access to technical journals, scholarships, and career information. The ACM will be holding its general interest meeting in the next couple of weeks and all computer science majors are invited to attend. Look for signs posted around the Engineering Building.

American Society for Quality (ASQ)

ASQ Binghamton University Chapter promotes awareness about quality and provides members with a better understanding of how quality is assured in STEM industries. It will organize educational events such as plant tours, demonstrations from industry professionals, student-led presentations, conference attendance and related activities for the exchange of ideas. Furthermore, ASQ encourages students to network with industry professionals and form bonds that will help the students once they enter the workforce. Members of the chapter also will be able to acquire professional certifications.

Faculty Advisor:  Changqing Cheng

Chair: Dheeraj Tommandru

Binghamton Tech Collective

binghamton tech collective

Binghamton Tech Collective is an organization dedicated to enhancing the campus experience through innovative app and website development. Our team of skilled software engineers, UX designers and product managers collaboratively develop solutions for students, redefining the way campus life is experienced.

In addition to our transformative projects, BTC provides an array of workshops and valuable resources designed to empower students to break into tech.

Faculty Advisor: James Pitaressi

President: Lucy-Tien Pham
Vice President:Macy Jiang
Treasurer: Vacant
Director of Technical Education: Jack Lamberg
Director of Club Marketing: Maribela Dias
Product Marketing Manager: Nya Greene
Software Engineering Team 1 Lead: Levi Lesches
Software Engineering Team 2 Lead:Pushkar Sharad Kaswankar
Software Engineering Team 3 Lead:
UX Design Team 1 Lead: Lucy-Tien Pham
UX Design Team 2 Lead: Toluwanimi Adeyemi
UX Design Team 3 Lead: Vacant
Product Manager 1: Manjot Kaur
Product Manager 2: Alicia Unterreiner
Product Manager 3:Siddharth Shah
Product Manager 4: Kristina Huang
Senior Advisor: Manjot Kaur

Binghamton University Rover Team

burt logo

Chief Engineer: Rebecca Carpenter
Technical Project Manager: Matthew Stancampiano
Senior Technical Advisor: James Raymond
Drive Team Lead: Zain Mckay
Human-Robot-Environment Interaction Team Lead: Roan Torpey
Environmental Analysis Team Lead: Serena May
Electrical Team Lead:Abdallah Halaweh
Software Technical Lead: Levi Lesches
Software Team Lead: Aidan Ahram
Firmware Team Lead: Levi Lesches

The Binghamton University Mars Rover team is a student-run organization with the goal of designing, testing and building a prototype Mars rover in order to compete in the annual international University Rover Challenge. The team consists of six subteams:

  • The Human-Robot-Environment Interaction team, or HREI, is responsible for interacting with objects through the use of an arm and gripper.
  • The Environmental Analysis team designs a system to collect and analyze soil samples from several distinct sites in order to determine the presence of life.
  • The Drive team oversees the rover’s mobility systems, ensuring its ability to traverse and operate effectively.
  • The Electrical team designs, assembles and tests printed circuit boards to power various electronics needed by other subteams, and aids subteams in electrical testing/debugging.
  • The Software team writes the firmware/software that integrates everything on the rover and the control interface.
  • The Project and Operations Management team, or POM, is responsible for logistics relating to team function and competition.

In 2023, BURT was invited to compete in the finals in Hanksville, Utah, for the first time and placed 23rd. 

Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)


Biomedical Engineering

Faculty Advisor: Ahyeon Koh

President: Christina Odendahl
Vice President: Arena Rahman
Treasurer: Mary Grace Roche
Internal & External Events Coordinator:  Ryan Jenkins
Director of Marketing & Social Media: Nadia Kiridly
Director of Fundraising: Allison Cohen
Director of Community Outreach: Manar Mabrouk

National Chapters:

The Biomedical Engineering Society's student chapters are the foundation for the society, uniting and promoting the future of the biomedical engineering profession. For rising biomedical engineers, these chapters offer the chance to establish leadership, network, publish and participate in a wide range of career-enhancing activities.

The primary focus of Binghamton BMES is to integrate and advance the application of engineering sciences, technology and management principles in the fields of medicine and biology. Binghamton Biomedical Engineers was formed in 2004 within the Department of Biomedical Engineering and the BMES chapter was chartered in 2013. The society actively engages professional development, outreach, educational and social events. Membership in Binghamton BMES is highly inter-disciplinary and open to any individual in the fields of engineering, technology, or management interested in applying or expanding their skill sets in the areas of biology, medicine and healthcare.


colorstack logo

Computer Science

Faculty Advisors: Umur Ciftci and Patrick Madden

President: Janelle Mosquera
Vice President: Hilary Rojas Rosales
Secretary: Daniela Bloom-Pavon
Treasurer: Hitaishi Rampuran
Fundraising Chair: Shahida Chowdhury
Events Coordinator: Yashasvi Agarwal
Hackathon Director: Julia D'Aloisio
Public Relations: Chelsea Oliveira
Conmmunity Relations: Ryan Paul
Corporate Relations: Joseph Roberts
Professional Development Chair: Jidechukwu Obioha
Membership Engagement Chair: Johnathan Persaud
Senior Advisor: Rachel Todd

National organization:
Instagram: @colorstackbu

ColorStack's mission is to increase the number of Black and Latinx computer science graduates who succeed in their careers through community building and career development. This vision is curated by creating tools, resources and opportunities to ensure every member lands a full-time job post-graduation.

Members can take advantage of our national internship and networking opportunities. Yearly, we attend the Sponsored StackedUp Summit and travel to hackathons! Within our doors, you'll find technical building and professional development through group projects and academic workshops.

Eta Kappa Nu

Eta Kappa Nu

Electrical Engineering

Faculty Advisor: David Klotzkin

President: Gavin MacLean
Internal Vice President: Karli Doig
External Vice President: Andrew Meccariello

National Web Page

Eta Kappa Nu is the International Honor Society for Electrical Engineers. We sponsor many activities that help enrich the lives of students in Watson College. For example, we have organized (in conjunction with other Watson College societies) such things as Watson College Gym Nights, the EE Annual Class Picnic, and Watson College/EE T-shirt sales. We have also worked closely with the Career Development Center in hosting presentations from companies that recruit graduates in technical fields. Future activities include helping coordinate activities for Engineers' Week, co-sponsoring a presentation by Raytheon Corp.(a Massachusetts-based company involved with the Patriot and Hawk missile systems), as well as helping organize review sessions for the Fundamentals of Engineering exam in April. This, of course, is an abbreviated list of HKN's activities.

As mentioned, HKN is an honor society and therefore has certain requirements for membership. Prospective members must be either juniors or seniors in Electrical Engineering. Also, they must have a GPA that ranks them in either the upper quarter of the junior class or the top third of the senior class.

Girls Who Code (GWC)

All Engineering Disciplines

Faculty Advisor: Hiroki Sayama

President: Manjot Kaur
Vice President of Programming: Alicia Unterreiner
Co-Vice President of Programming: Sydney Palmer
Vice President of External Affairs: Shreya Shetty
Vice President of Marketing: Fatime Useini
Secretary:Katherine Perrone
Lead Teaching Instructor: Anusha Raihan
Lead Teaching Instructor: Lucy Murphy
Lead Teaching Instructor: Laura Cunningham
Vice President of Outreach:  Tamanna Arora

Chapter Website

Girls Who Code at Binghamton University is a free 10-week program for high school girls in the Broome County area, offering learning opportunities as well as a supportive sisterhood to change what a programmer should look like and do.


All Engineering Disciplines

Faculty Advisor: Michael Lewis

President: Christopher Bingham
Vice President of Outreach: Nicholas Said
Vice President of Communications: Connie Deng
Vice President of Software: Rowan Devereux-Smith
Senior Advisor: Lucy Loerker

Organization web page

HackBU organizes and hosts the annual Hackathon, a 24-hour event where teams or individuals code a program for the chance to win prizes. Weekly workshops introduce new topics to coders and noncoders alike. 

Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IISE)

Industrial Engineering

Faculty Advisor: Sangwon Yoon

President: Maggie Doyle
Vice President:  Nathan Cudney
Public Relations: Amoolya Varghese
Public Relations: Cindy Liu
Treasurer: Radeha Haque
Secretary: Ariella Ziarno
Secretary: Michael Comuniello
Events Coordinator:  Benjamin Deibler
Events Coordinator: Justin Mintz
Events Coordinator: Nicholas Ingraselino
President-Elect: Claudia Grimaldi
Graduate Advisor: Kelli Palumbo

National Web Page

IISE is the world's largest professional membership society dedicated solely to the support of the industrial engineering profession and individuals involved with improving quality and productivity.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)


Electrical/Computer Engineering

Faculty Advisor: Scott Craver
President: Lauren Frye
Vice President: Emily Zupicich
Treasurer: Katherine McManus
Secretary: Rebecca Carpenter
Professional Chair:  Anna Dolgopolova
Technical Chair: Joseph Manna
Events Coordinator:  Nicholas Garner
Public Relations:  Max Weinstein

National Web Page

To be a member of the IEEE, a student must fill out a membership form and pay a fee. After joining the IEEE, you will receive a monthly magazine publication, "IEEE Spectrum", in which current technology trends are reported and investigated and which show how engineers will help shape the future, etc. Members also receive other magazines concerning different areas of electrical engineering, such as robotics. You choose these when you join the IEEE. Finally, members receive a membership card and the local Binghamton IEEE publication, which describes businesses, companies, and news in the local area pertaining to electrical engineers.

Mechanical Contractors Association (MCA)

MCA Logo

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty Advisors: Colin Selleck & Jason Gilbert

President: Anthony Lucsczynski
Vice President:Devon Gomez
Treasurer:  Lauren Stiefel
Secretary: Thomas Schmid
Project Lead: Ross Weintraub
Marketing Chair: Mike Kopcha
Historian: Aidan Swere
Corresponding Secretary: Shaun Sander

MCA works closely with local firms dealing with heating, refrigeration, plumbing, air conditioning, piping and mechanical service. Our members get the opportunity to tour local construction sites and facilities as well as hear industry professionals speak. MCA also provides volunteer opportunities for members to help out in the community.

National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)


All Engineering Disciplines

Faculty Advisor: Kimberly Harry
Faculty Advisor: Christopher Greene

President: Natalia Budhoo
Vice President: Pierre Blanco
Secretary: Saskia Cheong
Tech Excellence: Randy Odhiambo
Tech Excellence: Jidechukwu Obioha
Fundraiser: Orobosa Eguavoen
Treasurer: Jayshawn Brown
Public Relations: Mackenzie Goodluck
Public Relations: Amaya McCollough
Programs: Robel Kebede
Pre-College Initiative: Brianna Jules
Pre-College Initiative: Ivan Iciano
Historian: Ameil Cherisme
Senator: Angel Okoro
Senator: Faithful Onilede
Graduate Advisor: James Raymond
Graduate Advisor: Deyani Lovelace-Monroe
Community Service (Torch): Akunna Njoku

National Web Page

The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) is one of the nation's largest student-run organizations. Our mission is to strive to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers to excel academically, succeed professionally, and to positively impact the community. In pursuit of this, NSBE operates through a University-based structure coordinated through regional zones and administered by the National Executive Board. Using this operational structure, NSBE initiates programs both within and outside the University community. NSBE develops intensive programs for increasing the participation of Black and other under-represented groups in the fields of engineering and the engineering technologies.

In order to develop the technical and professional skills of our members, we have organized professional etiquette, resume writing, and interviewing skills workshops. To stimulate student interest in various engineering and science disciplines, we have established a Pre-College Initiative Program (PCI) geared toward high school students. During National Engineers Week, NSBE will attempt to raise public awareness of engineering for African-American and other underrepresented ethnic groups. We have the honor of being the lead organization for this event.

Out in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (oSTEM)ostem logo

All STEM fields

Faculty Advisor: Dean Mario Ortiz

President: Sasha Shablovsky
Vice President: Keaghan Johnson
Treasurer: Abby Gulnick
Secretary: Carlo Pipitone
Public Relations: Emily Leighton
Events Coordinator: Mansha Rahman

oSTEM empowers LGBTQ+ people in STEM to succeed personally, academically, and professionally by cultivating environments and communities that nurture innovation, leadership, and advocacy.

Pi Tau Sigma

Pi Tau Sigma

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty Advisor: Paul Chiarot

President: Isabelle Homan
Vice President: Jonathan Sarasohn
Treasurer: Rob Walker
Event Coordinator: Hannah Brodsky

National Web Page
Chapter Website
Chapter Facebook Page

Pi Tau Sigma, an honorary mechanical engineering fraternity, had its beginnings in 1915 at the University of Illinois. The organization was established "to foster the high ideals of the engineering profession, to stimulate interest and coordinate departmental activities, and to promote the welfare of its members." Since 1915, Pi Tau Sigma's membership has grown to over 150 universities across the nation.

The New York Alpa ETA chapter of Pi Tau Sigma was initiated at Binghamton University in April of 1993. Membership in Pi Tau Sigma consists of the top quarter of the Junior and top third of the Senior mechanical engineering classes. A formal initiation ceremony, industrial plant tours, and a yearbook highlight this semester's agenda.

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)

All Engineering Disciplines 

Faculty Advisor: Vince Brady

President: Daniel Szlavik
Vice President: Erick Palka
Secretary: Samantha Fuscus
Treasurer: Samruddhi Deshpande
Intro Projects Coordinator A:  Stephen Liebold
Intro Projects Coordinator B: Jack Healy
Technology Administrator:  Markus Higgins
Social Events Coordinator: Logan Reppard
Professional Events Coordinator:  Vacant
Fundraising Coordinator:  Kaitlin Ho
Social Media & Marketing Coordinator:  Micheal Amato
Graduate Advisor: Joe Green

Society of Asian Scientists & Engineers (SASE)

SASE logo

All Engineering Disciplines

Faculty Advisor: Seokheun Choi

President : Marc Sandoval
Vice President: Kyle Mejorada 
Secretary: Susan Zheng
Treasurer: Wendy Jiang
Fundraising Chair: Renee Sawicki
Cultural Chair: Alyssa Lam
Cultural Chair: Christian Tai
Community Outreach: Jenina Dinh
Community Outreach: Sunnie Pao
Professional Chair: Natalie Ma
Professional Chair: Anson Chen
Marketing Chair: Dominic Ho-Wu
Marketing Chair: Rebecca Jang
Multimedia Chair: Danny Zhou
Senior Advisor: Steven Ke
Senior Advisor: Jun Yan Chen
Senior Advisor: Rose Deutsch
Senior Advisor: Liheng Zhang

National Web Page

Facebook group

The Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE) was established in November 2007 to support scientific and engineering professionals of Asian heritage in reaching their full potential. SASE aims to unite individuals from diverse pan-Asian cultures, offering opportunities for professional growth and cultural engagement.

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)


All Engineering Disciplines

Faculty Advisor: Douglas Summerville

President: Nicholas Reyes
Vice President:  Ryan Saco
Treasurer:  Nicholas Solar
Secretary: Jenylee Diaz Munoz
Campus Outreach Chair: Ryan Saco
Community Outreach Chair:  Ofelia Huerta
Corporate Relations Chair: Jordan Mayorga
Fundraising Chair: Geraldine Romero Martinez
Fundraising Chair: Janelle Mosquera
Professional Chair: Luis Ramón
Technical Chair: Javier Munoz Deleg
Webmaster:  Jonathan Lazo
Public Relations Chair: Daniela Suqui Estrella
Recruitment Chair: Levi Ramirez
Senior Advisor: Grecia Ardiles

National Web Page

The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) was founded in 1974 by a group of engineers employed by the city of Los Angeles. The objective was to form a national organization of professional engineers to serve as role models in the Hispanic community. Today, SHPE enjoys a strong but independent network of professional and student chapters throughout the nation.

Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

SWE All Engineering Disciplines

Advisor: Meghan Crist

President: Karli Doig
Vice President: Taylir Doig
Secretary: Allison Cohen
Treasurer: Christina Odendahl
Internal Events: Kaitlyn O'Dell
External Events: Katie Marino
Corporate Outreach: Keaghan Johnson
Fundraising: Valeria Gonzalez
Membership: Sophia Dando
Public Relations: Julia Kuster
DEI Chair: Maria Pereira
Graduate Advisor: Kelli Palumbo

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is a group that focuses on empowering all women in STEM fields. The official mission of SWE is to "stimulate women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life and to demonstrate the value of diversity."

Binghamton University’s SWE section consists of an 11-person executive board and an additional 30-40 members. SWE is a Student Association charter group whose active participants include a diverse group of females and males studying not only engineering but also computer science, math, physics, and more.

Binghamton University’s SWE section hosts many events each semester for professional development, fundraising, community volunteering, inclusion & diversity, and more. Mixed in are social events to promote bonding and mentorship among members. The national Society of Women Engineers organization hosts a regional conference each spring and national conference each fall that Binghamton University’s SWE members regularly attend. These conferences provide unique networking opportunities for SWE members through engaging workshops, interactive meet-and-greets, and large and diverse career fairs.

StackHacks stackhacks

Faculty advisors: Umur Cifci and Shiqi Zhang

Chief Executive Officer: David Poncé
Chief Operating Officer: Shahida Chowdhury 
Chief Technology Officer: Jack Hunter
Director of Communications: Erika Nelson
Chief Marketing Officer: Angelina Poncé 
Chief Financial Officer: Aditya Kapoor
Director of Professional Development: Hilary Rojas Rosales
Director of Team Excellence and Integration: Elizabeth Tirado
Director of Events and Community Engagement: Ryan Gallego 

StackHacks is dedicated to fostering technological excellence and diversity within the
computer science field. Open to anyone passionate about technology, our mission is to expand coding skills, tackle practical technology challenges, and support the educational and professional advancement of underrepresented communities in technology. We collaborate with various tech services provided by Binghamton University to provide real-world project experience.

Tau Beta Pi

Tau Beta Pi

All Engineering Disciplines

Chief Advisors: Colin Selleck, Carl Betcher

President: Katie Marino
Treasurer: Jake Ritchie
Secretary: Ioana (Ellie) Tiu
VP of Professional Affairs: Kirill Kobyakov
VP of Community Affairs: Tyler Meier
VP of Initiation & Internal Affairs:  Margaret Doyle
VP of Social Affairs:  Nadia Kiridly
Social Media Coordinator: Jaden Keener

National Web Page

Tau Beta Pi is a national engineering honor society that was established in 1885 at Lehigh University. Currently, there are 218 chapters in the U.S. and several hundred thousand members, making it the world's largest engineering honor society. Our New York Tau chapter was founded in 1991 and has been recognized with several awards, including the R.C. Matthews Most Outstanding Chapter Award in '92-'93.

The objectives of Tau Beta Pi are to promote excellence in engineering and to instill a spirit of liberal culture, i.e. remind us there is life outside of engineering. In supporting both those goals, our chapter activities are varied. They range from tutoring sessions for freshmen physics to Habitat for Humanity building projects to gym nights, and basketball tournaments. We also sponsor scholarships for excellent undergraduate engineering students.

Membership in Tau Beta Pi is by invitation. To be eligible, engineering students must be in the top 1/8 of their junior class or top 1/5 of their senior class and must demonstrate exemplary character as well as high academic achievement.

Theta Tau

Theta Tau

All Engineering Disciplines

Faculty Advisor: Kirill Zaychik

Regent: Brandon Shapiro
Vice Regent: Aiden Braun
Treasurer: Andy Luna
Scribe: Joe D'Amico
Corresponding Secretary:  Gabe Blodgett

National Web Page

Founded at the University of Minnesota in 1904, Theta Tau is the largest (as well as the oldest) professional fraternity in the field of engineering. The Fraternity has chapters only at ABET accredited schools. Theta Tau stimulates professional activity and social compatibility; provides a framework for group participation in campus, community, engineering, and fraternity affairs; and promotes lasting friendships.

Upsilon Pi Epsilon

Upsilon Pi Epsilon

Computer Science

Faculty Advisor: Michael Lewis

President: Katherine Perrone
Vice President: Sarah Horvath
Treasurer/Events Coordinator: Daksh Mehta
Tutoring Coordinator: Sanjit Gunasekaran

Chapter Web Page

National Web Page

Upsilon Pi Epsilon is the international honor society for the computing sciences. Established in 1967 at Texas A&M University, it is the only computing sciences honors organization endorsed by both the Association for Computing Machinery and the IEEE Computer Society. With over 120 chapters worldwide, UPE strives to recognize outstanding talent and ability in the computing sciences, represent the computing sciences in interdisciplinary communications, and encourage individuals to contribute to society through the computing sciences.

The New York Iota chapter of UPE was founded at Binghamton University in 1991. An undergraduate computer science major is eligible for membership in UPE if he or she has completed at least 45 credits towards a B.S. in Computer Science or Information Systems, has completed at least four of the required computer science courses and has a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.4. An undergraduate transfer student must also have a grade point average of at least 3.4 from his or her previous institution and a minimum of 24 credits completed at Binghamton University.

The primary activity of Watson College's chapter of UPE is to provide free tutoring services to students enrolled in computer science courses. Members of UPE hold regular tutoring hours in the Watson Commons on weekday afternoons. Be on the lookout for signs giving specific days and times. In addition, UPE is in the process of organizing events such as a game night in the MicroLab and a luncheon for computer science students who made the Dean's List.

Watson Combat Robotics League

The Watson Combat Robotics League (WCRL) is a competition in which teams design, 3D print and fight small robots (think Battlebots but on a smaller scale). Matches are held every other week throughout the semester, with a flagship tournament held near the end of each semester.

This project is designed for competitors of any skill level, as WCRL provides documentation and lab sessions to help you build your bot (if needed). Skills you will learn include engineering/design principles, CAD (Fusion 360), electronics and Arduino/Raspberry Pi.

For last year's competition, check out our Youtube page. Interested students can register via our Google Form.

General Inquiries: 

League Chairperson: John Pforte
League Manager: Ryan Calhoun
Technical Manager: Ben Sharples
Project Manager: Walter Schutz
Outreach Coordinator: Haiden Danto-Scanlan
Competition Coordinator: Rohan Bajwa
Competition Coordinator: David Stein
Competition Coordinator: Timothy Tran
Build-Technician: Edward Nunez
Build-Technician:Mckenzie Viersma
Build-Technician: Salaj Rijal
Build-Technician:Melanie Koren
Build-Technician:Aadhi maalaven mahesh
BattleBot Team Lead:Erick Palka
BattleBot Team Lead:Sam Abramson

Women in Tech

Computer Science: for all majors

Faculty Advisor: Michael Lewis

President: Katherine Perrone
Vice President: Jacqueline Choe
Director of Marketing: Vacant
Treasurer: Jessica Chen
Secretary: Sonia Rai
Director of Outreach: Manika Baddam

Request for funds form