CIW College Council

CIW Council is an active student government that oversees the social and academic programming within the College in the Woods community. Each year they have a hand in running some of the campus' most popular events, including Woods Olympics, Casino-in-the-Woods, and Woodstock. The central council, elected in the spring, also helps coordinate each individual hall's council, which is elected in the fall. Elected hall councils, as well as anyone else who would like to become involved in student government as a "Hall Representative," may also take part in running the large area-wide events.

If you are interested in joining hall or area wide government, or just want to participate in one of our many long-standing council traditions, please come to one of our council meetings and speak with a current council executive member or feel free to email us at

Area-wide meetings will take place every Tuesday at 9:15 p.m. in the CIW Commons. All are welcome to attend.