President's Report Masthead
March 31, 2017

Merger of two schools receives green light

The Faculty Senate on Tuesday gave its approval to the merger of the Graduate School of Education (GSE) and the College of Community and Public Affairs (CCPA), a step that had been under discussion by the two schools for nine months. During the fall 2016 semester, faculty and staff in each school voted in favor of the merger, which had the strong support of Laura Bronstein, dean of CCPA, and Susan Strehle, interim dean of GSE and vice provost and dean of the Graduate School. The two schools were created in 2006, with the split of the School of Education and Human Development.

Upon the recommendation of Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Donald Nieman, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee unanimously recommended the proposed merger and, with no votes against, the Senate followed suit. The merger is to take effect July 1.

“With this vote from the Faculty Senate in favor of the merger of these two schools, everyone is on the same page,” said President Harvey Stenger. “Given the many collaborations between CCPA and GSE, it’s the right decision at the right time. This merger will enable faculty in both schools to enrich the work they do to benefit our students and the surrounding communities.”

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