Lab Safety Page

Environmental Health and Safety staff conducts unanounced lab inspections at least once per semester for all instructional and research science labs. Lab Audits are designed to protect you, the Principal Investigator, by allowing an outside investigator (EH&S) to observe and report unsafe processes in your lab. 

Lab Audits are completed using LabCliq, a software developed by SafetyStratus, Inc. Information on how to use LabCliq and how to close out violations can be found on the LabCliq Webpage.

Your Responsibilities

You are required to address any violations listed in the inspection within 10 days of the inspection. You may ask for an extension if you cannot address the issue within 10 days.

After 10 days, you will be sent a reminder email and your department chair may be copied on the email.

Failure to address serious violations may result in the Dean's office being notified or closure of the lab. 

Why Are Inspections Important

Serious accidents may require investigation from the Chemical Safety Board or OSHA/PESH. When one of these agencies does an investiagtion, they will use inspections to get a picture of the safety atmosphere in place.