What is hazardous waste? Hazardous waste falls into two categories, listed and characteristic.
- Listed Waste is any waste listed on the EPA's F, K, P, or U lists.
- Characteristic Waste is any chemical waste with hazardous characteristics, such as ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity. You can find more information on the EPA's website.
- At Binghamton University, ALL chemical waste is hazardous waste! We do not want students or faculty deciding what is hazardous and what is not. We want you to call us for a consultation or submit a hazardous waste pickup form.
How to Dispose of Hazardous Chemical Waste
EH&S Staff conduct hazardous waste pickups every other Tuesday. All of the specifics of hazardous waste disposal can be found on the website, but a quick synopsis can be seen below:
- Generate chemical waste, store it in an approved container
- Store the container (with lid closed) in a satellite accumulation area
- Label the waste with a sticker and tag as soon as you start adding to it. Do not sign it
- When waste container is full, sign the tag and fill out a waste pickup form
- We will pick the waste up during the waste pickup.
How to Dispose of Biological Waste
EH&S Staff conduct biological waste pickups every other Tuesday, opposing Hazardous Waste. There are currently no autoclaves on campus that are certified for biological waste disposal. Therefore, EH&S provides bio-boxes and red bags free of charge for you to store your waste in. Details can be found on the Biosafety Program Webpage, but a qucick synopsis can be seen below:
- Meet with EH&S to obtain your first bio-boxes and bags
- Assemble the box, line with red bag
- Fill with biologically contaminated waste only
- When the box is full, tie the bag and tape the lid shut. All seams should be taped at this point
- Fill out a biowaste form and your box will be picked up during the next waste pickup